Anne Kolbe

Flag ceremony #2: Tijl Orlando Frijns

website Tijl afbeelding

De vlaggenheisa
Second in a series of flags and accompanying ceremonies with the flag pole as an exhibition site:

#2 TIJL ORLANDO FRIJNS: Behind your flag
16.00 h. October 8 2017
Kunst & Complex, Keileweg 26, Rotterdam

facebook event

Flags can deal with topics such as identity, diversity, similarities, agreements and contracts. They serve as markers for existing territories or get planted on freshly conquered ones. They symbolise journeys being made, fraternisation, reconciliation, but they can also provoke collisions, separation, conflicts and exclusion.

Time to reconsider the flag with Tijl Orlando Frijns! During the next flag ceremony Tijl is going to unfurl some of his thoughts on flags in the form of a performative speech. He will raise a narrative ‘flag’ that touches upon notions such as liberties, boundlessness and breaking down conventions.

You are very welcome to join us for the ceremony in the yard of Kunst & Complex, Keileweg 26, Rotterdam. There will be beers for the modest sum of a Euro!